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EWOB C-Level School for female managers

EWOB C-Level School for female managers starts in September

European Women on Boards (EWOB) is opening the C-Level School 2021 Autumn. The program, consisting of 7 webinars, is aimed at female managers who are eligible for positions of major responsibility over the next two years. 

The concept of the C-Level school lies in understanding what today’s business world requires of women leaders. Experts from all across the industries get together to walk participants through what is happening to the business world and how they can add that to their advantage wherever they lead. 

The programme will focus as well on how agile and competent leadership looks like to handle crises better, or how to build the most efficient board. Participants will meet experts, experienced corporate leaders, motivation coaches, headhunters, and other women who strive for a more equal gender balance in decision making. 

The 7 webinars will be held from September until December 2021. The program includes lectures, case studies, workshops, and discussions that will allow the attendees to gain insight into interesting topics while engaging and sharing ideas with other women.

APPLY HERE until July 31, 2021. Results will be announced by August 23rd, 2021.

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