Can publishers attract generation Z?
The first generation of truly digital natives is expanding and account for 40% of global consumers, according to a recent report from CNN Newsource. “The audience is diverse with almost half coming from communities of colour. And being extremely digitally savvy, social media is the primary touchpoint in their daily lives”, says the report. So, how can publishers attract and gain interest of generation Z?
CNN Newsource offers a few suggestions for news publishers who wish to attract and retain Generation Z audiences:
- Make the news experience feel as easy and accessible as Netflix.
- Cover broader topics, like art, culture activism, the environment and the LGBTQ+ community.
- Focus on human stories with touches of informality. Offer honest opinions from real people.
- Produce stories that inspire your audience about the possibility of change and provide a path to positive action
- Include a variety of genuine opinions and be direct to explain complex stories without dumbing it down.
The report says 89% use a mobile device while watching TV; 72% use social media at the same time as watching TV; 71% chat with friends; 52% play games; 43% read emails; 40% look for products to buy and 33% read the news.
Also, according to the report, 65% check Instagram daily; 62% YouTube; 51% Snapchat; 34% Facebook; 23% Twitter, 22% Facebook Messenger and 11% TikTok.
“News organizations are challenged to remain relevant amid the pervasiveness of digital media.”
CNN Newsource examined Generation Z and how to appeal to this emerging audience. The report concludes that Generation Z seeks truth and wants instant gratification from the news they consume.
”Generation Z is inclusive and accepting of different truths even if they don’t agree with them. They are also practical, being less idealistic and more analytical, searching for the truth behind everything”, the report says.
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