Donald Trump launching website
Suspended from Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and banned from Twitter after the Capitol riot on January 6, former US president Donald Trump launched his own website shortly before Facebook’s Oversight Board was expected to publish its decision concerning Trump’s accounts.
The website says it will deliver messages “from the Desk of Donald J Trump’s. One of the messages is repeating the debunked statement that the presidential elections were fraudulent: “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!”
Twitter said it has received close to 49,000 responses in 14 languages to a survey on how it should handle world leaders on its site, a spokeswoman told Reuters. Twitter did not provide any conclusions of the survey.
Twitter has said its ban on Trump’s account, which it enacted due to the “risk of further incitement of violence,” will remain even if he runs for office again.
YouTube has said it will lift its suspension of Trump’s channel when it determines the risk of real-world violence has decreased.
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