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IJ4EU's Investigation Support Scheme

Financing of European investigative journalism

Investigative Journalism for EU’s Investigation Support Scheme will provide €835,000 toward x-border investigative journalism projects in the EU in 2021. The deadline for applications for the first round of funding is July 14.

The Investigation Support Scheme, managed by the International Press Institute (IPI), provides grants of between €5,000 and €50,000 to cross-border investigative projects. 

There will be two calls in 2021 under the Investigation Support Scheme.

The first call opened on June 1, 2021. The deadline for applications is at 23:59 CEST on July 14, 2021. Successful applicants will be notified several weeks later once the independent jury has made its decision. A second call is expected to open in September 2021. Again, the deadline for applications will be six weeks later.

The financial support will be provided to any kind of cross-border journalistic team as long as it is not made up entirely of freelancers. IJ4EU will consider funding all platforms, including print, broadcast, online media, documentary filmmaking and multi-platform storytelling.

Projects on all topics will be considered. This includes, but is not limited to, corruption, illicit enrichment and financial crime; security, democracy and human rights; environment and climate change; health, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more HERE.

About IJ4EU

IJ4EU (Investigative Journalism for Europe) is a fund that supports cross-border investigative journalism in the European Union. We provide grants and other assistance to teams of journalists or news organisations in Europe investigating topics of public interest.

In 2020, IJ4EU provided €1.07 million in grant funding to 49 collaborative projects, along with other forms of assistance including training, editorial and practical support, networking opportunities and legal support.


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