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IT and Media news week 52

The Week That Was: IT and Media News week 52

Multiple international media reported that personal data for 5.4 million Twitter users are available on the internet and the Data Protection Commission in Ireland launched an investigation. One or more collated datasets of Twitter users are reported to have leaked. Twitter’s parent company,Twitter International Unlimited Company (TIC), is formally registered in Dublin.

After years of steady, double-digit percentage growth for podcasting, listenership is starting to slow. Listeners in key markets like the US and UK will increase but growth is no more than 5% and 4.7% in 2022, respectively, according to web traffic measurement firm Insider Intelligence. Podcast advertising is still growing at double-digit rates.

Readership about the war in Ukraine has slowed since its peak during the initial invasion in February, web traffic measurement firm Chartbeat notes in a survey of news media in 2022. The Russian attack on Ukraine and the British royal family were among the most engaging topics in news media. Articles on the war accounted for over a quarter of total engaged time.


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