The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 9
39% of global knowledge workers will work hybrid by the end of this year, up from 37% in 2022. Only 9% of global knowledge workers will work fully remote, according to a forecast from marketing and research firm Gartner. The number of remote workers is expected to continue to fall year over year.
Women in tech is one focus for the 2023 International Women’s Day on March 8. A persistent gender gap in digital access keeps women from unlocking technology’s full potential, UN Women says. “Their underrepresentation in STEM education and careers remains a major barrier to their participation in tech design and governance.” .
Experts agree that companies and government authorities will expand the role of AI in peoples’ daily lives in useful ways. But they are split about how much control humans will have over essential decision making with more AI in use. Some experts worry that artificial intelligence systems will diminish individuals’ ability to control their own choices, according to a survey among experts made by the Pew Research Center.
Information and communication technology (ICT) spending in Europe will reach $1.2 trillion in 2023 despite economic downturn and worries about recession. By 2026, it will surpass $1.4 trillion, posting a 5.4% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the 2021-2026 period, market intelligence firm International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts.
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