The Female Lead
The Female Lead is an educational charity created by loyalty and data entrepreneur, Edwina Dunn. Edwina knows first-hand what it feels like to work in a male-dominated industry, and how women need strong female role models to inspire confidence and ambition.
The Female Lead aims to make women’s stories more visible, and to provide positive role models for future generations by celebrating women’s achievement, endeavour and diversity.
They believe that by creating books, films and teaching materials for donation to schools, we can make a contribution to tackling the lack of diverse female role models. Through workshops in schools, colleges and youth organisations, The Female Lead speaks directly to young women about confidence, ambition and alternative role models to those ever-present in popular culture.
The Female Lead is an educational charity dedicated to finding the factors that limit women’s choices and fulfilment and amplifies their voices in order to drive change and improve economic outcomes.
Women’s voices and stories have been ignored and undervalued. Girls learn early on that society expects them to follow a narrow version of success. The Female Lead shares the stories of women who have found different ways to fulfillment and achievement.
Through research, analysing data and by listening to thousands of women, across the whole spectrum of school and working life, we can begin to shape more helpful policies and interventions.
These interventions aren’t just good for women – they benefit industry and government, not just philosophically or morally but financially. Keeping women at work longer, bringing them back to work after maternity, encouraging them to aim for a bigger role, all of this will deliver billions if not trillions of dollars to the economy.
Visit their website: www.thefemalelead.com
You can email them at: info@thefemalelead.com
Moonshot News is an independent European news website for all IT, Media and Advertising professionals, powered by women and with a focus on driving the narrative for diversity, inclusion and gender equality in the industry.
Our mission is to provide top and unbiased information for all professionals and to make sure that women get their fair share of voice in the news and in the spotlight!
We produce original content, news articles, a curated calendar of industry events and a database of women IT, Media and Advertising associations.