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Geographical Area: European | Business Area: IT

The European Association for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

WiTEC was formed as a network in 1988. After more than ten years of networking and project activities related to women and STEM it established itself as a non-profit European association in May 2001.

WiTEC has the following aims at European level:

  • TO INCREASE the number of girls and women studying STEM subjects and to help them progress into related careers.
  • TO DEVELOP women’s technical and entrepreneurial skills through training initiatives and projects.
  • TO CREATE information exchanges and networking opportunities for women in STEM.
  • TO PROMOTE and support research in areas relating to women in STEM.
  • TO SUPPORT initiatives to promote the Gender Mainstreaming Policy.
  • TO PROMOTE regional, national and international awareness and interest in this field.

The WiTEC Network has developed and managed a wide variety of projects relating to women and STEM with partners from across Europe over the many years it has been in existence.

WiTEC consists of the following member countries: United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Greece, Hungary and The Netherlands.


Contact Info

Secretariat WiTEC EU 

Båstad Företagsby

Ängelholmsvägen 263

SE-269 42 Båstad, SWEDEN


Mia Norling +46 (0)763 450 800


Ingrid Thuresson


+46 (0)708 55 62 13


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