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Latest news from associations and organisations in IT, Media and Advertising Networks.

Chinese journalist Xueqin (Sophia) Huang

Women awarded for courage in journalism

The Courage in Journalism Awards show people that women journalists are not going to step aside, cannot be silenced, and deserve to be recognized for their strength in the face of adversity.
Africa Women Journalism Project

Women journalists making change

“Coverage by and for women is vital. Women journalists and editors bring insights that enrich reporting, allowing news outlets to do what journalism is meant to do: expose injustice, inform
INMA announcing awards

INMA announcing awards for media excellence

The Miami Herald has won International News Media Association´s (INMA) global Best in Show award for its journalistic investigation of the Champlain Towers South collapse and its multimedia presentation which
Funding for public interest journalism

Funding for public interest journalism

Media organizations with a strong record of public interest journalism can apply for grants up to USD 350,000,International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM) has announced. It is accepting proposals
Nordic Women in Tech nomination

Nominate Nordic women STEM role models

Less than 30% of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) professionals are women. And there is approximately half the number of girls studying STEM subjects compared to boys, statistics from

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