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STEM for Her Scholarship Program

STEM for Her Scholarship Program: Apply until July 9

STEM for Her Scholarship Program is awarding two $5,000 scholarships to individuals who best demonstrate a passion for pursuing a career in STEM and clearly articulate their future goals.

Deadline for applications extended to July 9, 2021 (midnight). The awards will be announced by August 16, 2021.

STEM for Her accepts applications for the following awards:

Louise Peabody Memorial Scholarship – As the first woman partner at a Tyson’s

Corner accounting firm, Louise was committed to her community through her work with Women in Technology where she served as Treasurer and Special Interest Group Chair. Louise then served STEM for Her as Treasurer and, more recently she was devoted to building STEM for Her programs and mentoring young women to develop skills and a love for tech and education.

Dede Haskins Memorial Scholarship – With a 25 year career in technology, Dede was recognized as an influential businesswoman in the D.C. area. She was president of Women in Technology, and also a founding member and board chair of STEM for Her where she focused on bridging the gender gap to create a more diverse and productive workforce.

Learn more and apply HERE.


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