von der Leyen stressing equality post-pandemic mission
This pandemic has exposed not only the fragility of our health and of our livelihoods. It has also exposed the fragility of our societies when it comes to equality and women’s rights, the EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen told the Women Political Leaders summit.
“The mission I see for us at this very particular moment: To foster a more equal society as we come out of this pandemic. And to continue our fight for those who cannot make themselves heard.”
“For every man that has lost his job during the pandemic, almost two women have lost theirs. And the United Nations even warns that the pandemic could set women back decades in their struggle for equality.”
She referred to the Commission’s gender equality strategy presented last year noting that the Commission now, for the first time ,has a balance between men and women.
“This was long overdue! We now want to repeat this success at the middle and senior management levels. Women already hold more than 40% of the top positions in the European Commission. I have set a target of 50% by the end of 2024. Because our democracies are stronger when women are involved as equals. Not because women are better. But because we are different. To see the world in a fully rounded way, we need women and men. This is the only way we will be able to make the right decisions. And to maximise the success both of our societies and economies.”
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