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Big newspaper group to permanently work from home

British newspapers group Reach is telling the vast majority of its journalists that they will permanently work from home in future. The group owns Daily Mirror, Daily Express and more than 100 regional and local newspapers in the country.

A spokesperson for Reach said: “We carried out a survey of all colleagues that showed a majority found home working suited their needs. Moving forward colleagues will either be home-based or working mainly from home with around a quarter office-based, working from one of our 15 hubs around the country. This solution provides increased flexibility with the ability to have access to meeting space to recapture face-to-face collaboration and a social element – when lockdown rules allow.”

Dozens of mid-sized towns will lose their remaining newspaper office, with staff having to commute to the nearest major city if they want to work at a company desk, the Guardian reports.

The company will instead maintain hub offices filled with meeting rooms in Belfast, Bristol, Birmingham, Dublin, Cardiff, Glasgow, Newcastle, Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham and Plymouth.

Reach will also halve the size of its main headquarters at Canary Wharf in London, meaning many journalists on its national titles will no longer be based there. The former Daily Express office in central London will also close. Local journalists have been promised “pre-organised social activities” to ensure they still see colleagues in person, the newspapers reports.

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