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Every newsroom needs an AI team

Every newsroom, large or small, should have a team thinking about what artificial intelligence (AI) means for their specific strategy, content, audience and business model, writes Mattia Peretti, Manager of JournalismAI, a research and training project at the journalism think-tank at London School of Economics and Political Science.

“Newsrooms, today more than ever, use data and automated processes to find stories that are relevant to modern audiences. Undoubtedly, there has been a lot of hype around the application of AI in telling those stories. The question that arises is how is the interaction between journalists and algorithms evolving and what are the potential that these new technologies can provide to improve the quality of journalism at large.”

”Apart from journalism, AI is transforming every sector within modern-day society. So there is a real social and ethical need to question how AI transforms the ecology of the media landscape as a whole.”

As a take-away from a seminar on AI and journalism, he summarizes

  • AI has the potential to impact the processes and workflows of news organisations, and this is key in permanently changing the future of journalism.
  • AI is a technology that has the potential to affect not only content creation and distribution but also have a significant impact on the distribution and revenue side of a news organisation.
  • AI has the potential to improve the creative value of journalism in the future, by opening up resources that can help journalists produce more differentiated and impactful content.

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