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TASS suspended from Thomson Reuters

Reuters blocking TASS from business-to-business platform

Reuters says it is removing all content by TASS from its business-to-business platform referring to criticism of how state-owned TASS reports about the war in Ukraine. “We believe making TASS content on Reuters Connect is not aligned with the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles,” interim president Matthew Keen told staff in a note, website The Baron reports.

Reuters´ partnership with TASS has been criticized on social media with staff saying it collides with Reuters´ ambition to provide unbiased news reporting.

TASS has earlier been suspended from European news agency cooperation in the organization European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA). The organization, comprising privately and publicly owned news agencies in 32 countries, after Russian attack on Ukraine said TASS under the circumstances is unable to provide unbiased news.

Read Also:  State-owned TASS suspended from European news agency cooperation

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