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This is how young consumers define entertainment

Those younger than 25 spend more time on gaming and short form video than they do watching movies or shows on TV. 44% in the age group 13 to 24 agree that that is the case versus 31% who prefer TV and films. Among those over 25 years of age, it is the other way around, 57% prefer TV and films versus 24% who go for short form video and gaming. Among those who are 35 years old or more, it is the other way around: 57% prefer TV and films versus 24% who prefer to spend time on gaming and short form video, according to US-based Hub Entertainment Research. The US study comprises persons 23 to 74 years old.

And mobile as the devices used for non-premium entertainment is not so dominating as could be expected. While the greatest share is consumed on phones, a quarter watch it on a TV screen. 44% use the phone versus 26% who watch it on a TV screen. !8% use a computer and 12% a tablet.

Three quarters of viewing on mobile screens happens at home. 76% are at home while watching video on a mobile device and 24” were away from home.

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“Those under 35 years of age find watching short video clips much more amusing versus traditional TV versus older consumers”, the research firm says. 64% in the age group 25 to 34 think so while 58% of those who are 13 to 24 years also agree that short video clips are more fun.

Among older consumers, the majority finds traditional TV more entertaining as the percentage that likes short video clips better is only 41%.

The time spent on non-premium video reduces the time spent watching regular TV.  The impact is greatest among young people, but platforms like YouTube and TikTok are pressuring consumption of TV across all age groups. 

57% of those 13 to 24 say non-premium video watching means that they watch less regular TV. Among those 25 to 34 of age, it is 50% and 35% for those who are 35 or older.

Those who are 35 years or more are most likely to say they watch too much social video. 48% of them say they are watching too much social video at places like TikTok or Instagram and should be watching longer form TV shows and movies instead. 48% of those 35 or older agree versus 24% of those who are 25 to 34 years of age and 23% among the younger.

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