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Three women media workers killed in Afghanistan

Still another killing of media workers in Afghanistan was announced. According to official announcement, three women media workers have been shot dead in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad.

Zalmai Latifi, head of local broadcaster Enikas TV, told Reuters the three women were recent high school graduates aged between 18 and 20 who worked in the station’s dubbing department.

The official announcement said the women were killed on their way home from work. A fourth woman was seriously injured.

Provincial police chief Juma Gul Hemat said that the suspected lead attacker had been arrested.

“The targeted killing of journalists could cause a state of fear in the journalistic community, and this could lead to self-censorship, abandonment of media activities, and even leaving the country,” Mujib Khalwatgar, head of Afghan media advocacy group Nai, told Reuters.

Enikas TV’s Latifi said the channel had employed ten women but four had now been killed, including Malala Maiwand, a television journalist shot alongside her driver late last year.


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