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Microsoft announcing Windows 11

Microsoft announcing Windows 11 challenging app markets

Microsoft announced a major upgrade of its Windows operating system challenging the app market by saying Android apps will be able to run on Windows desktops.

This means a huge potential with more apps available and a challenging of the Apple’s dominance on the app market. Both politicians and competition authorities are discussing if Apple has been abusing its dominance on the app market.

Windows 11 will be available as a free update for Windows 10 users but requires a minimum of 64 gigabytes of storage and 4 gigabytes of RAM.

The windows 11 is Microsoft’s first major operating system upgrade since the 2015 introduction of windows 10. The new system will be on the market late 2021 but a preview version for developers will be available shortly.

The company also said it will integrate its Teams chat software directly into the operating system competing with other workplace chat solutions.

The company said the new version will be better for remote work, more secure and more intuitive for users.

The company says that worldwide there are 1.3 billion Windows users.

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