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Equality in board rooms

Still far from gender equality in board rooms

Bloomberg´s Gender Equality Index comprising 380 companies in 44 countries shows we are still far from equality in the board rooms. On average boards are comprised of 29% women. 61% of the companies have an executive with the primary responsibility of diversity and inclusion.

The companies have an average of 39% of women in revenue-producing roles and 52% require a gender diverse slate of candidates for management positions.

69% of which have a strategy for recruiting women, and 59% conduct a global gender-based compensation review. On average, 85% of employees returning after parental leave remain with their company with 65% of companies offering on-site lactation rooms and 46% providing childcare subsidies or other financial support.

The data provided for the 2021 index is from fiscal year 2019 but anyway shows companies had started offering more flexible working rules also prior to the pandemic. 87% provide flexible working hours and 85% flexible working locations. 60% sponsor financial education programs for women and 64% sponsor programs dedicated to educating women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


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