Women in Tech Forum
Women in Tech forum is an exclusive community for women who want to get ahead in their careers.
Founded by Angie Vaux, who has more than 20 years experience leading large divisions of global tech organisations such as SAP and TripAdvisor, Women in Tech forum is a platform for networking, coaching and fresh ideas to boost your career in tech.
The forum was created in response to a growing number of women wishing to collaborate, contribute and grow outside their everyday roles at work, by providing a platform for:
- Group coaching
- Informal mentoring opportunities
- Regular networking events
- Fresh ideas to boost career development.
Their mission is:
To equip women with the skills, confidence and support to break through the glass ceiling and excel in their careers.
Their vision is to be:
The go-to-network for women in technology in London and other tech hubs.
The go-to resource for organisations who are looking for additional support in developing their next generation of female talent.
The network developing the next generation of female leaders.
Contact info
For more information about Women in Tech Forum you can visit their website or contact them at info@womenintechforum.com.
Address: OutsideIN Performance Limited – International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2BN
Moonshot News is an independent European news website for all IT, Media and Advertising professionals, powered by women and with a focus on driving the narrative for diversity, inclusion and gender equality in the industry.
Our mission is to provide top and unbiased information for all professionals and to make sure that women get their fair share of voice in the news and in the spotlight!
We produce original content, news articles, a curated calendar of industry events and a database of women IT, Media and Advertising associations.