3 years agoTags Girls in TechGirls in Technology’s Mentor Protégé Program open for applications Girls in Technology has announced that the registration process for mentors in its 2021-2022 Girls in Technology (GIT) Mentor Protégé
3 years agoTags HP-HomeEventWomen in IT Awards USA: These are the 2021 winners Women in IT Awards USA, celebrating the achievements of women in technology, were revealed in an online ceremony on September
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3 years agoTags HP - BTF Right PhotoFree virtual info session for new and perspective WIT members Women in Technology – WIT is a community, located in the DC Metropolitan Area, that offers a broad range of
3 years agoTags Swedish Chamber of CommerceWomen in tech webinar on September 16 Today, women are still challenged in their pursuit and progression within the tech sector. Companies have started to understand the
3 years agoTags awards5+1 awards celebrating women in tech It is no secret that the technology industry lacks female representation at all levels. Like many industries, tech is still
3 years agoTags HP-HomeEventSpeed networking session for women in tech Women in Tech UK and netwomen.co are hosting an online speed networking session, aiming to help women build fruitful connections
4 years agoTags careerFree ‘women in tech starter’ course starting September 7 If you want to pursue a career in technology, or are exploring how your skills could be transferred to the