Product reviews and recommendations top content on TikTok
Product reviews and recommendations is top content on TikTok. This is especially true for young women who use the platform. A majority of US adults who use TikTok (62%) say a reason they use the site is to look at product reviews or recommendations. Roughly a quarter says it’s a major reason, an analysis from Pew Research Center shows.
By comparison, fewer users of Instagram (44%), Facebook (37%) or X (29%) say they use each platform for product recommendations, according to the analysis.
Younger users – especially young women – are particularly likely to use the site for product reviews.
74% of users ages 18 to 29 say this is a reason they use it compared to 62% among users ages 30 to 49 and 46% among those 50 and older.
Women who use TikTok are more likely than men to say they use it for product recommendations (68% vs. 52%). And the youngest women are especially likely to use it for this reason.
“There is a similar pattern across age groups among men who use the platform. Men ages 18 to 49 on TikTok are more likely than men ages 50 and older to use the platform for product reviews (56% vs. 42%)”, the Pew says.
There are no differences by gender in the shares of those 50 and older who say it’s a reason.
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