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Stories about Afghan women's struggle.

Afghan women’s struggle – a web space documenting their fight

Everything changed for women and girls in Afghanistan two years ago. UN Women has launched  “After August – Voices of Afghan women two years after the Taliban takeover” as a digital space to document and share the experiences of Afghan women during the two years. It is based on the belief that, when injustice is the norm, silence is unjustifiable, UN Women says.

“ It is a counter-narrative to the Taliban’s campaign to render Afghan women invisible. First came the curbs on girls’ education and women’s right to work, then the enforcement of strict dress codes and impositions on women’s freedom of movement and access to public life.” 

“Through more than 50 edicts, orders, and restrictions, the Taliban have systematically imposed a set of meticulously constructed policies of inequality that impact every part of a woman’s life, that regulate where a woman can go and how she should dress.”

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Since day one, the Taliban’s system of suffocation, fear and oppression has been met with fearless resilience from Afghan women and girls who continue to protest, resist, and speak up. Fighting for women’s rights is a fierce struggle everywhere in the world. But nowhere have more lives depended on it than in Afghanistan right now.”

“What we all do—or fail to do—for women and girls in Afghanistan is the ultimate test of who we are as individuals, as a global community, and what we stand for.”

The collection of stories, documenting the lives of Afghan women, is a collaboration between UN Women Afghanistan, Zan Times, Limbo, and independent storytellers. Names, locations, and course of events have been changed to ensure the safety of the women featured.

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