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Facebook hiring for the metaverse in Europe

Facebook flirting with EU legislation and hiring 10,000 to build the metaverse

Facebook announced that they are planning to hire 10,000 specialists in Europe, over the next five years and in cooperation with European governments, in order to build the metaverse.

Metaverse is the next computing platform, a new phase of interconnected virtual experiences using technologies like virtual and augmented reality. The metaverse will not be owned by Facebook, or any other company, but will be open as the world wide web is.

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The key component of the announcement is that Facebook says that they will cooperate with governments across the EU, in order ‘to find the right people and the right markets to take this forward The announcement refers to the EU’s important role in shaping the new rules of the internet: European policymakers are leading the way in helping to embed European values like free expression, privacy, transparency and the rights of individuals into the day-to-day workings of the internet. 

Facebook states that they ‘hope to see the completion of the Digital Single Market to support Europe’s existing advantages, as well as stability on international data flows, which are essential to a flourishing digital economy’. 

In short, they want to start the metaverse in Europe, in cooperation with EU governments, to make sure that they will not make expensive mistakes, which can actually be considered as a victory of the EU policy.


Read Also:  Eva Kaili: Big tech can't afford to ignore what EU is preparing


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