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Google sued in U.K.

Google sued in U.K. for overcharging users

Google systematically breaks the law and overcharges millions of UK users for apps and other purchases made on Google Play Store, according to a legal action brought in a U.K. court against the tech firm.

The legal action – seeking damages of up to £920m from Google – has been filed in the Competition Appeal Tribunal in London by consumer advocate Liz Coll and legal firm Hausfeld & Co. LLP on behalf of 19.5 million U.K. Android phone users. 

It claims the 30% cut Google takes from digital purchases on its app store is excessive and unfair.

The legal action follows a similar one against Apple over charges made on its App Store, which was filed on behalf of iPhone users in May. At the time, Apple said the claim was meritless.

In the Google case, the claim alleges the company bundles its app store with other products and services, shutting down competition for app distribution on devices that use the Android operating system, the claim organizers said.

Google has responded, saying it competed “vigorously and fairly” for developers and consumers and its fees were “comparable to our competitors”.


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