Female entrepreneurs successful with crowdfunding
Female entrepreneurs are more successful reaching financing targets using crowdfunding than men are and the explanation is support from other women, according to a study at the KTH, Royal Institute of technology in Stockholm and presented at website kth.se
At crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, a third of all launched projects, in total 170 000, are run by women.
A study by Hadar Gafni, scientist at the KTH Institution for Industrial Economy, shows that women at the Kickstarter platform are more successful than men in getting financing.
Contrary to among investors at banks, risk capitalists and business angels, the gender balance is better among those who contribute funding at Kickstarter and this improves women´s chances of getting support for their business ideas.
The study shows that patterns are similar in crowdfunding as in other forms of funding – men tend to support men and women tend to support women – but the gender balance among those providing funding is better in Kickstarter.
Apart from having common interests, I think some men are driven by so called tasted-based discrimination – in this case sexism – or they believe that male entrepreneurs will reach better results, Gafni told kth.se.
Kickstarter is a public benefit corporation founded 2009 and based in New York maintaining a global crowdfunding platform. It has several offices in Europe and one of them in Stockholm.
The study is called Gender Dynamics in crowdfunding: Evidence on entrepreneurs, backers and taste-based discrimination.
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