More than a quarter of staffers depressed during pandemic
29% of staffers are depressed as a result of the pandemic, according to a survey comprising 5 000 employees marketing and research company Gartner reposts. The same survey revealed that nearly half (49%) of employees had participated in a mental well-being programmed offered by their employer last year.
“The need for well-being support has skyrocketed since the pandemic struck, giving organizations a new mandate to offer more and better programs”, said Carolina Valencia, vice president in the Gartner HR practice. “Organizations, more than ever, must respond to all facets of the individual, from the physical to the emotional, and address some of the new stressors that have emerged over the past year.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear to employers and employees that work and life cannot be treated as two separate constructs“.
“If employers help support employees with all aspects of their health during turbulent times more effectively, not only do they have better lives, but they perform at a highet level. In fact, organizations that provide holistic well-being support can boost employee discretionary effort by 21%, twice as much as companies that provide only traditional (physical and financial) programs.”
When evaluating their organization’s enterprise-wide well-being initiatives, HR leaders should consider the following:
- Commit to Help Employees Cope with Stress Factors, Even Post-Pandemic
- Personalize Support to Meet Diverse Employee Needs
- Establish Programs, Processes and Guidance to Enable Discussions
Gartner research shows only 49% of employees agree their manager understands their problems and needs.
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