Female entrepreneurs are more successful reaching financing targets using crowdfunding than men are and the explanation is support from other women, according to a study at the KTH, Royal Institute
To make the extra effort of making a longer shortlist for job positions can promote gender equality as the longer version often avoids listing just men for male jobs and
Most economists agree that there is an impressive potential in startups – not all become unicorns and some of them stay smaller companies but do represent a huge total of
The heated discussions about forcing big IT companies like Google to pay Australian publishers for using their content online could be on its way to a save-all-faces solution. Big Australian
MEPs assessed the progress made regarding women’s rights over the past 25 years and the many challenges still ahead, in a resolution adopted. More than 25 years after the Beijing
Switzerland is one of the oldest democracies and famous for its inclusion with frequent referendums. The Swiss confederation was founded by a number of cantons in 1291 with men participating
Green and sustainable investing will be the biggest investment trend of 2021, according to a Bloomberg survey of female university students across Europe, MEA and Asia. For the majority of
Should the big IT´s and social media´s power be regulated? The discussion continues, most recently by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres who said he is worried about how much power the
There will be a future need for smart, wellness-equipped office space as a result of more people working remote and under-utilization of existing office spaces due to pandemic, according to