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The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 21

Sectors using more AI see almost fivefold greater labour productivity growth. AI jobs are growing 3.5x faster than for all jobs. AI jobs see up to a 25% wage premium in some markets, according to consultancy PwC’s Global AI Jobs Barometer. 

The majority of the global population – 53% or 4.2 billion people – live in countries where freedom of expression is in ‘Crisis’. That’s more people than at any other time this century. In the last 10 years, 6.2 billion people across 78 countries experienced a deterioration of their freedom of expression. Only 303 million people across 18 countries saw improvement, freedom of expression organisation Article 19 says in its 2024 report. 

Social media child protection is controversial. When social media set up rules to protect children they significantly rely on tools like parental controls in response to legislation and regulation. These tools have low levels of use and efficacy, according to a report from London School of Economics (LSE) that covers actions taken by Meta, Google, TikTok and Snap.

Who owns the content produced by AI? Czech courts have now directly dealt with the issue of copyright protection for content created with the help of generative AI, European Audiovisual Observatory reports saying it’s  first time ever ruling. In a case about an AI created picture, the court stated that “artificial intelligence by itself cannot be the author (…) when only a natural person can be the author, which artificial intelligence certainly is not.”


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