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The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 5

Most of restrictions and worries during the pandemic are by now forgotten but discussions about pros and cons with working from home continue. A new survey shows that when organizations implement rigid return to office mandates, high-performers, women and millennials are the most likely to quit their job.

53% of students have used generative AI to help them with assignments but only 5% cheat putting AI-generated text into assessments without editing it personally, according to a study by UK’s Higher Education Policy Institute. Universities are generally considered reliable at identifying work produced by GenAI. 

With the price tag for smartphones climbing, people hold on to their phones longer which dampens markets for both new and used smartphones, according to a new forecast that is downsizing the market growth for second hand phones by 2.7%.

TikTok – stands out for growth of its user base. 33% say they use the platform, up 12 percentage points from 2021. Meta owns two of the top three social media: Facebook and Instagram. The number one is Alphabet-owned YouTube, according to a US survey of adults use of social media by Pew Research Centre. 


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