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IT and Media news week 50.

The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 50

It doesn’t matter so much how long the kids are on social media. It’s how they use social media that’s important. Passive use of social media can lead to greater loneliness – not intensive use, according to a new study by the EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Despite discussions and concerns about technology’s impact on youth, many teens are as digitally connected as ever. Nearly half are online almost constantly, according to a new US survey by Pew Research Centre. 

Gaza stands out as the most dangerous region in the world with the highest number of journalists murdered in connection with their work in the last five years. Since October 2023, over 145 journalists have been killed by the Israeli army, including at least 35 whose deaths were linked to their journalism, Reporters Without Borders says in a 2024 summary. 

President-elect Donald Trump is known to dislike the news media having called it the “enemy of the people”. Since he was re-elected various media organisations have stressed the importance of him respecting media freedom. The Pew Research Centre has now, probably not a coincidence, published a survey saying the a vast majority of US citizens trust that criticism from news media keeps political leaders from doing things they shouldn’t.

An inclusive and equal EU remains distant and uncertain unless member states prioritise gender issues amid shifting political and economic agendas. Digital platforms should increase cross-platform cooperation to use AI responsibly and via partnerships fight cyber violence against women and girls, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) says in two new reports.

Artificial intelligence poses new risks in terms of cyberviolence against women. Women are the primary targets of deep-fakes, particularly of ‘nudification’. More than 90 % of all deep-fake videos online are pornographic in nature and their victims are almost exclusively women – often cultural, media and political personalities, says an EU briefing for the European parliament’s annual Gender Equality Week.


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