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Oscars’ $205,000 swag bag embraces diversity and inclusion

This year’s Oscars goodie bag featured companies that embrace diversity, inclusion, health, and philanthropy.

For the 19th year in a row, celebrity and product-placement marketing company Distinctive Assets put together a gift bag worth about $205,000 that the 25 nominees for best actor, actress, and director awards take home with them, whether they win or not.

According to Forbes, this year’s gift bag reflects the two events overshadowing the ceremony — calls for social justice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the Covid-19 pandemic.

“While the result may look at first glance like the same cornucopia of fabulous gifts we always assemble, this year’s contents are particularly special.  The companies we are featuring embrace diversity, inclusion, health, and philanthropy and are giving back to their communities and the world at large in significant ways”,  Lash Fary,  founder of Distinctive Assets, said.

Most of the companies either give back to their communities or embrace diversity and inclusion, as Fary pointed out.

Cup of Té, for instance, belongs to a young black entrepreneur. Taylor Lindsay-Noel, an aspiring Olympic gymnast, suffered a devastating accident while in training that left her paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

Another giveaway is a device that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) calls an “emergency hammer” that passers-by can use to break a car window if they spot a dog sweltering inside.

But, as always, the gift bag includes lavish and glamorous gifts for the recipients, like a $12,000 four-night stay in Golden Door spa which has been voted the number one destination spa in the world, or a three-night stay at the Pater Noster Lighthouse on the island of Hamneskär on the west coast of Sweden.

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