4 months agoTags journalist safetyGun threats and sexual harassment reported against US journalists Gun violence, verbal attacks and sexual harassment are reported by journalists in a US survey made by International Women’s Media
8 months agoTags digital threatsThreats facing journalists covering US presidential election Alarming physical and digital threats are facing journalists reporting on politics and the 2024 US presidential elections in November, according
2 years agoTags HP - Promo 1Steep rise in the number of journalists killed. Many attacked in their homes After several years of consecutive declines, there was a steep rise in the number of journalists killed in 2022. 86
2 years agoTags HP - SliderStatistics show “devastating decline in journalists’ safety” There was a devastating decline in journalists’ safety in 2022. 66 journalists and media workers worldwide were killed in connection
2 years agoTags HP - SliderICFJ report: Big tech business models and algorithms threats against women journalists Big tech’s business models and algorithms must be overhauled for women journalists to be able to work safely online. Big
2 years agoTags Committee to Protect JournalistsVast majority of journalists’ murders go free In nearly 80% of the 263 cases of journalists murdered in retaliation for their work globally over the past decade,
3 years agoTags covid protestsPhysical attacks on journalists reaching new peak Physical attacks on media workers in Germany noted a new peak last year with majority of cases in connection with
3 years agoTags Committee to Protect JournalistsIndia and Mexico most dangerous countries for journalists India and Mexico top the list of countries with the most media worker deaths, according to the Committee to Protect
3 years agoTags HP - Promo 145 journalists killed in 2021 in connection with their work A total of 45 journalists were killed in 2021 in connection with their work. The sombre tally reflects the continued
3 years agoTags journalist safetyNine out of ten crimes against journalists are unpunished: UNESCO In close to nine out of ten cases perpetrators of crimes against journalists go unpunished, according to UNESCO. “For too