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Thursday dating app missing deadline to launch

‘Ghosted by the dating app itself’: aggressive marketing at its best!

Thursday Dating is an upcoming exclusive app, only for Londoners and New Yorkers, that was expected to launch on Thursday, May 13th.

As the name clearly states, the app is supposed to work only on Thursdays. Why? Because they aim to ‘cut the crap’ and the app ‘comes to life’ making people take immediate action and meet on that day as the matches and conversation disappear at midnight.

Well, apparently that’s one version, because one of the co-founders, George Rawlings, clearly states on his LinkedIn profile that he ‘built a dating app that only works on Thursdays because we can’t afford server costs for the other 6 days of the week. Would love some AWS credit’.

And where is the story?

As people involved in product deployments very well know, things can easily go terribly wrong, and the expected app will not be able to launch as announced.

So, the founders made a strategic decision: instead of handling it in a modest, traditional way, they launched a unexpected marketing angle, managing to drive even higher interest and engagement to their product. On an Instagram post, they called themselves out and invited everyone else to do so:

“We know how long you all have been waiting for this app, and we have been wondering how to tell you this all day. We thought the best route is just to say to all the people who have sent us these comments and messages – you’re right. An unexpected bug has been found in the app meaning this Thursday cannot be the first Thursday. We are so sorry.

Honest, creative marketing doing the trick

Never has a dating app launched amidst so much hype or with this many people pre-registered, so we cannot rush this.

“We know we’ve let you down, but please bear with us while we get this fixed. Your support of this concept really is incredible so thank you.

“We are *so nearly* there. Feel free to let out all of your frustration in the comments to add to our aesthetic collage. See you soon… but not on Thursday 13th…”

Thursday Dating app marketing tactic


The marketing tactic managed to engage the fans even more, as people kept adding to the company’s own insults with their own one liners.

One said to much acclaim: “Didn’t know I could get ghosted by the app itself.”

Another commented: “Just like my dating life, stood up.”

Despite the app failing to launch, people were enthusiastic about the company’s transparency, fresh approach and as someone commented on Linkedin ‘Amazing how powerful it is when a brand talks to people like a human beings’.

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