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Facebook artificial intelligence

Humans must check Facebook AI decisions

When Facebook artificial intelligence is used to remove content, the user should have the right to have the decision checked by a human, Facebook´s Oversight Board said in its first set of decisions. The company said this recommendation means major operational and product changes and that the company needs more than 30 days to analyze and scope these recommendations. The Oversight Board also wants Facebook to be more clear on how the company handles information about covid 19.

Facebook recently asked the Oversight Board to review the company´s decision to block former US president Donald Trump´s account after the storming of Capitol Hill but this issue was not included in decisions from the board´s meeting.

”The board rightfully raises concerns that we can be more transparent about our COVID-19 misinformation policies. We agree that these policies could be clearer and intend to publish updated covid 19 misinformation policies soon. We do believe, however, that it is critical for everyone to have access to accurate information, and our current approach in removing misinformation is based on extensive consultation with leading scientists, including from the CDC and WHO. During a global pandemic this approach will not change”, Facebook said in a statement.

We will implement binding decisions in accordance with the bylaws and have already restored the content in three of the cases as mandated by the Oversight Board, Facebook said adding that it had restored a breast cancer awareness post from last year as it did not violate policies and was removed in error.

”Included with the board’s decisions are numerous policy advisory statements. According to the bylaws we will have up to 30 days to fully consider and respond to these recommendations. We believe that the board included some important suggestions that we will take to heart. Their recommendations will have a lasting impact on how we structure our policies”, the company said.

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