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The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 46

Political online advertising is often controversial. Google has now announced that it will stop serving political advertising in the EU before EU’s new rules on political ads enter into force
Hybrid work a top priority

Fewer job posts for gig workers with GenAI

The introduction of GenAI tools ChatGPT and image-generating led to nearly immediate decreases in jobs for online gig workers across job types, but particularly for automation-prone jobs. After the introduction

The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 44

Research shows a significant shift in election disinformation tactics. “Rather than merely targeting individual candidates, bad actors are now undermining the foundations of democracy itself ”, Ian Plunkett, advisor at

Research shows change in disinformation tactics

Research shows a significant shift in election disinformation tactics. “Rather than merely targeting individual candidates, bad actors are now undermining the foundations of democracy itself ”, Ian Plunkett, advisor at

The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 43

Digital influence operations by Russia, China, and Iran continue as the US presidential election is getting closer. “Russian actors continue to integrate generative AI into their content, Iranian groups ramp

Disinformation attacks hitting US elections

Digital influence operations by Russia, China, and Iran continue as the US presidential election is getting closer. “Russian actors continue to integrate generative AI into their content, Iranian groups ramp

The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 42

Gun violence, verbal attacks and sexual harassment are reported by journalists in a US survey made by International Women’s Media Foundation. “For close to a decade the IWMF has heard

The Week That Was: IT and Media news week 41

Baby Boomers – born 1946 to 1964 – is a tricky category for advertisers. Only 12% of them globally feel ‘positive’ about advertising. They have the lowest average levels of

Market for used smartphones growing fast

The market for used smartphones is growing faster than for new devices. Demand for wearable devices, dominated by various forms of hearables, is also growing fast. Global sales of gaming

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